An installation of 1,871 repurposed rubber loops in three colors, bi-folded wire, and mono-filament wire. 4.11m x 4.11m installation space.
Pay No Attention…is a reference to the 1936 film adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s, “The Wizard of Oz”. The words on the bands reinforce two of the main motifs of the film: oddly colored fires, and the importance of truth.
The committee encourages viewers to sit in the chairs in front of the curtain and contemplate not the man behind the curtain, but what the man does, and to consider how the path leads him behind the curtain.
Pay No Attention…is a collaborative work by the three current artists of The Committee for Art Excellence in the Office (TCAEO). This is the sixth major installation by TCAEO, and the third in this installation space.